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2025 Pedestrian Accidents

South Georgia Pedestrian Severely Injured in Accident

A pedestrian in Albany was severely injured after being struck by a car while walking in the 300 block of South Mock Road. Albany Police say that the pedestrian was walking in the turn lane when he was struck by a car, after which he was taken to Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in critical condition. Police Chief Michael Persley warned that there are significant dark spots on the roads around South Georgia, increasing the risk for pedestrians. Sidewalks are sparse on that section of Mock Road, so it is possible that the pedestrian considered walking in the turn lane to be a safer alternative than walking in the travel lanes. As this accident shows, pedestrian accidents are a real risk for South Georgians; if you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, our Tifton accident attorneys can help you recover. 

How Common Are Pedestrian Accidents? 

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) classifies pedestrians and bicyclists as “vulnerable roadway users.” Over a 15-year period from 2007 to 2021, the proportion of fatal roadway crashes that involved a pedestrian or cyclist increased from 11% to 19%. GDOT identified six high-risk areas for vulnerable roadway users: 

  1. Locations with high social vulnerability (age, disability, income, minority status, and transportation access) 
  2. Transit stop presence
  3. Locations in proximity to schools
  4. Undivided and high lane number roadways
  5. Principal and minor arterials 
  6. Locations with higher speeds

There were a total of 1,828 fatalities involving vulnerable roadway users in Georgia in 2022 (the latest year for which figures are available), including 343 pedestrian fatalities. 

Major Contributors to Pedestrian Accidents 

Pedestrian accidents can occur in many ways, but some of the most common causes include: 

Distracted Driving 

Texting, talking on the phone, adjusting the entertainment and climate controls, and otherwise not paying attention to the road removes drivers’ eyes from their surroundings for a significant amount of time. Given that pedestrians are smaller and harder to see than other vehicles, it’s no surprise that distracted driving is a leading cause of pedestrian accidents. 

Poor Visibility 

Pedestrians are difficult to see at night. Unlike passenger vehicles and motorcycles, pedestrians typically do not travel with lights or reflective clothing. Poor visibility is such a major contributor to pedestrian accidents that the GDOT report found that fully 77% of pedestrian accidents in Georgia occur in non-daylight conditions. 

Lack of Pedestrian Infrastructure

Comprehensive pedestrian infrastructure — including sidewalks, crosswalks, and overpasses and underpasses — is sparse outside of the most densely populated areas. As a result, many pedestrians (like the one in the accident above) walk in sub-optimal conditions, which increases the risk of accidents with vehicles

Left-Hand Turns 

When making a left-hand turn, many drivers only look for oncoming traffic when checking to see if it’s safe to turn, not realizing that there may be a pedestrian in the crosswalk of the street they are turning onto. 

Speak to a Tifton Accident Attorney to Find Out How You Can Recover After a Pedestrian Accident 

If you’ve been injured in a pedestrian, you should consider speaking to an attorney who can help you weigh your options. To get started, please contact a Tifton accident attorney at the Hudson Injury Firm by calling 229-396-5848 or using our online form.